schools programmes

Letting boys choose how to be boys

Conversations about ‘being a man’ so boys can do better by women and girls, non binary folk and each other.


What you can expect from our workshops

Pupil Centered
Rather than telling pupils what to think and feel we make space to hear from them and for them to hear from one another. We guide them through the processes of socialisation and the potential impact of gender roles so that they can form their own ideas about who they want to be.

Inclusivity is more than just speaking to everyone in the room, it's about creating and maintaining a space where quite literally everyone could be in that room and feel safe, valued and have a sense of belonging. That’s what our workshops do. 

We educate, we don’t lecture. Whilst we know we are talking about serious issues with students, they have an active role in their learning and it’s really important to us students enjoy their session. 

Our Workshops

We create an open, welcoming and interactive environment where students can ask questions, get the chance to reflect and learn about the ideas and attitudes of their peers.

Staying Connected

We have developed online workshops for boys and school assemblies to make sure that there are opportunities for young men and boys to explore what they could be beyond stereotypes, how they can build healthier relationships and how they can contribute to gender equality.

What it covers

Gender inequality affects everyone, everywhere. Our work gives boys the chance to be part of the movement for change. These activities and workshops aren’t for “problem schools” or “difficult children”, they’re for anyone who wants to help their boys learn about themselves, equality and be part of a growing movement for change.

How they work

Various options are available for your school. Contact us or download our brochure for details.
View our Brochure

Beyond Stereotypes

We run workshops where young men and boys can open up, talk about sensitive topics, and to learn from the experiences of others. We create thoughtful discussion guided by a pair of facilitators who are not only there because they’re talented, but because they really care about the issues.

What they cover

Introduction to gender stereotypes and masculinities; inclusion and allyship; consent and healthy relationships. When working with us you won’t have someone telling your boys how to behave, it's about giving them a chance to explore who they would like to be outside of negative peer pressure. 

How they work

Run Time: 3 x 2 hours
Participants: Entire year group. Yr 8 onwards
Delivery: In-person delivery

Contact us for more information and pricing for your school
View our Brochure

Rethink Masculinities

We take staff through a series of activities that help them to better understand and combat the (gender) pressures faced by boys in your school.   

What it covers

We are not aiming to tell participants how to “fix boys” but instead we provide staff with an opportunity to see the structural factors that can lead to negative behaviours as a result of attempts to appear “manly” or fit in. We will provide you with guidance on how create more opportunities for your pupils to be the type of person they want to be/ explore their authentic selves.

How it works

Run Time: 3 hour sessions
Participant Size: 10-20 teachers
Delivery: In-person or online (Zoom is our preferred platform)
View our Brochure

Our Impact

We have worked with over 25,000 pupils over the lifetime of the project. Take a look for yourself at our impact report to see how we can help your school. 


Who we've helped

Amie Dickinson
Charterhouse Square School

I attended the Gender in Schools conference today at Kings School in Macclesfield, and I just wanted to say how inspiring I found your workshop. Ben, Jade and Zuzana were great, and it was wonderful to experience such a thought-provoking session.

Emma Brockwell
Joyce Frankland Academy (Year 9)

“All exceptionally informative and covered all that needed to be covered. It was all successful, especially the consent discussions. Fantastic delivery.”

Year 11 Pupil

[I liked] “Openness of how we chatted / no one judged what people said. Topics were very interesting and relatable to boys our age”

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