IMAGINE Toolkit - Involving Boys in Preventing Street Harassment
In 2017-18 we collaborated with leading organisations in Sweden (MAN) and The Netherlands (Emancipator) to co-develop workshops and activities to engage men and boys in the prevention of violence against women and girls.
The aim of the toolkit is to share expertise and inspiration, as well as practical tips and tricks. We encourage everyone to carry on, to implement and scale up, to add and further develop, to share, and to be part of the change. This toolkit is mainly aimed at working with adolescent boys and young adult men, either in boys-only or mixed gender groups.
We are very grateful to the staff and facilitators who contributed significantly to this project, who helped make the project what it is, and who contributed to the design and testing of the tool kit exercises. Particularly, Saaqib Afzal, James Booth, Jordan Jones, Donnacadh O’Briain, Matthew Kynaston, David Ralfe, John Foster, Tom Ross-Williams, Amir Hajizamani, Dominic Arnall, Ben Hurst and Rebecca Collins.